Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Introduction post-Development Psychology

Introduction post-Development Psychology

Q Please take a moment to introduce yourselves. Please include the items listed below AND embed at least one photo of you (or a photo that represents you if you prefer not to post photos of yourself - just include an explanation of what's in the photo!) Some things to share include: 1. Name, pronouns, Major (if declared), and estimated graduation date 2. Where are you joining our class from (city, time zone?) 3. Why are you enrolled in this course? Does it meet a requirement for you? What are you hoping to learn? 4. Something from your development (so far). Answer one or more of the following (or offer some other information about your lived experience or identity that you would like to share): o Where did you grow up? If you moved around, you can share multiple places or focus on one place that mattered most to you. o What did your household look like during your childhood? Who lived with you? o What languages were significant to you growing up? o What activities were significant to you growing up? This may include religious practices, sports, camping or climbing, clubs, jobs you held, family members you cared for, etc. o Who was/is a significant adult in your life? In what way were they significant? 5. What was your favorite toy or game growing up? Describe it and why you loved it. Try to find a photo or embed a link if you can! 6. Embed a photo or two of you to help us connect names and faces! Note: If you prefer to include a representation of yourself or a favorite photo you've taken rather than one of your own face, that's okay. Just tell us what you want us to learn about you from your photo. (You will also need to embed photos for another assignment in this class

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My name is Tiange Zuo and you all can me Zuo which most of my friends call me. I have done my majors in Psychology and I was graduated last year. I am staying in Arizona, USA and here right now its early morning. I have enrolled in this class so that I am able to get some knowledge in developmental psychology in depth. I have always been fond of psychology and want to discover and complete courses related to different psychological aspects.